Your contact

Robin Littau
Managing Director - Americas
WEY Technology Inc.
Trade flows and processes in Energy Trading Risk Management (ETRM) are complex, dynamic and volatile. The speed of trading on energy exchanges is steadily increasing. Geopolitical factors such as energy policies, shortages and fluctuating costs further intensify the complexity of energy trading.
Traders and analysts need stable, reliable and high-performance trading tools to take the pole position in this intensely competitive environment, maintain the overview and successfully close their deals.
This is precisely what we offer: high-tech, time-tested trading floor and control room solutions "Made in Switzerland".
Optimize trader workplaces to drive peak performance with our unique, IP-based KVM switching solution, the "WEYTEC distributionPLATFORM" (WDP).
Maintain the overview and control all your sources and screens with a single multifunctional, customizable smartTOUCH keyboard.
Deploy all your PCs and information sources in central server rooms. This heightens security, saves costs and ensures greater flexibility – all without latency!
Your contact
Robin Littau
Managing Director - Americas
WEY Technology Inc.
Your contact
Stein Lobo
Technical Director - Americas
WEY Technology Inc.