Your contact

Manfred Beutler
Head of Sales Control Rooms
WEY Technology AG
At WEYTEC, the future is now. From turnkey solutions like the innovative WEYTEC distributionPLATFORM WDP MX® to cutting-edge, scalable technology for use in mission-critical environments such as control rooms and trading floors, we always have an keen eye on what is waiting around the corner – so we can help our customers maintain the level of performance to which they are accustomed. With support for all versions of Windows 10 set to end on October 14, 2025, we are pleased to offer our consulting services to assist businesses with the transition to an operating environment that runs smoothly even in challenging circumstances and remains fit for the future in the long term.
Taking our four decades of experience in control room design, development and enhancement for more than 50,000 deployed workplaces to date as our basis, we work closely with clients to create an action plan that will allow for a seamless transition away from Windows 10 prior to its definitive end-of-life date in October 2025. By relying on the expert advice and optimum workflow support of WEYTEC, businesses face no risk of their critical operations becoming disrupted due to obsolete technology. Moreover, a proper transition eliminates the possibility of cyber attacks, downtimes and data breaches going forward – saving companies from the operational headaches this entails.
Our core focus is to find end-to-end solutions that are flexible, scalable and viable in the long term while enhancing the user experience and the company’s overall performance. WEYTEC also helps to ensure that all components of the solution meet the regulations set out in the NIS2 Directive, whose aim is to create a common level of cybersecurity across the Member States of the European Union. After upgrading the operating environment, we are also available to provide advice on individual turnkey products that can be deployed to further enhance performance in mission-critical settings and deliver a further competitive advantage.
Our consultants are ready to provide advice tailored to your situation as we approach the end-of-life for Windows 10. We will work with you to develop a watertight transition plan that safeguards your operations and addresses all security concerns. We can also propose turnkey solutions to boost your business activities as preferred. Just remember: the clock is ticking on Windows 10, so don’t leave it too late before you act.
Your contact
Manfred Beutler
Head of Sales Control Rooms
WEY Technology AG
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Michael Heynen
Channel Sales Manager
WEY Technology AG
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Stavros Theodoridis
Sales Manager
WEY Technology Ltd.
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Luca Cannizzaro
Sales Manager
WEY Technology S.r.l.
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Alexander Höger
Managing Director
WEY Technology Austria GmbH
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Nils Hubert
Sales Manager
WEY Technology GmbH
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Markus Bütler
Managing Director
WEY Technology AG
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Stein Lobo
Technical Director - Americas
WEY Technology Inc.
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Joe Keen Poon
Managing Director
WEY Technology Singapore Pte. Ltd.
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Ashok Vishwakarma
Managing Director
WEY Technology India Pvt. Ltd.
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Mario Kovacic
Sales Manager
WEY Technology Austria GmbH
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Wissam Farhat
Regional Sales Director
WEY Technology FZ LLC